Friday 29 January 2010


We have changed our storyline!!!

Our film is a supernatural themed film, and is based around a supernatural character, who is stalking a human character who has something he wants. In the opening for the film, the audience never actually sees what this thing, but they are made aware of the fact that the supernatural character wants it.

The setting for our film is just a normal house, on a normal street, all because we wanted to show how supernatural things can happen to anyone, and anywhere. The house we chose (see recce) is a quite modern house , but has old fashioned styled wooden designs on the front of the house, which we believe will look the part in our film.

It starts with shots of the supernatural character looking at this house from the other side of the street. He remains totally stationary, does not blink or show any signs of emotions. This is all just to add to his presence and show that it is'nt a normal person. It then swaps to a view from inside the house, where the human character is hidden. In very few word, the audience finds out that the human character is being chased by this other character, and its all because he has something the other one is after. He proceeds to go up the stairs of the house, saying that he'll show, being the audience, this object that is so coveted after.

However, when he is in the process of opening the place where the object is hidden, he has an urge to go look out of the window. He follows through with this urge, and discovers in doing so that the supernatural character has disappeared from the street. He says this out loud, and is answered by the supernatural character who has suddenly appeared in the room. He then lunges forward, as if he's attacking, and then it cuts to black.

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